
Updated on 01/18/2024

Playing Golf in Colombia

Explore our

Sample Golf Itineraries

Get to know some of our favorite golf trips in Colombia and start planning your trip with our specialists.  


Pelecanus is a full-service travel operator dedicated to delivering exceptional tailored golf holidays. We offer bespoke Colombian Golf itineraries that are 100% custom mademade.

Pelecanus was founded in 2016 and has since focused on quality travel in Colombia. As we specialize in the luxury segment, offering golf in Colombia is a logical complementary to our strategy. Since 2019 we offer golf trips in Colombia to various destinations. 

In addition, Colombia is the golfing paradise on earth. Not only can you play golf in various destinations in Colombia throughout the year, but you will also find a variety of topographies, temperatures and environments in this incredibly diverse country. 

For example, you can play a round of golf in Bogota at over 3,000 meters (9,850 feet) above sea level today and tackle the next round tomorrow in Cartagena in the Caribbean at sea level. Is there another golf destination that offers these possibilities? 

While Colombia is a haven for golf enthusiasts, golf tourism remains in its early stages of development. The overall tourism industry in Colombia is still relatively young. However, with the country becoming safe for international travelers in the early 2000s and the establishment of backpacking culture, both package and quality tourism segments are experiencing growth. 

Colombia boasts only a few public golf clubs, with the majority being private and highly exclusive, often affiliated with country clubs. Welcoming foreign tourists to golf courses is a relatively new concept. While it presents an exciting opportunity as foreigners are warmly received, it also comes with challenges such as limited or basic rental equipment availability. Additionally, many golf clubs in Colombia traditionally involve the use of caddies during play. 


If you feel like doing a golf trip to Colombia, contact us directly.

We are happy to help you with the organization and to advise you.